🌚 Pie crust 🐐
YIELD: 1 pie crust for a 9" pan, approx
SOURCE: Dessert Person
all-purpose flour
200 g
  1. 1 Combine ingredients listed above
  2. 2 Prep a small glass of water with ice
  3. 3 Lay a clean sheet of plastic wrap on the counter
1 Tbps
1 Tsp
142 g
  1. 4 Add butter (preferred brand: Kerrygold) to dry ingredients
  2. 5 Cut butter into dry ingredients with pastry blender/cutter
  3. 6 Add 3 Tbps of cold water (just water, no ice) to the flour/butter mix
  4. 7 Mix gently with a fork
  5. 8 Add another 2 Tbps of cold water to the mix
  6. 9 Mix with your hands until the dough starts to come together. There will be dry spots/crumbs but that's a part of the process
  7. 10 Turn out all dough/crumbs etc onto the plastic wrap. Gently pat into a square
  8. 11 Wrap the dough in a second piece of plastic wrap
  9. 12 Use a rolling pin to flatten the dough (covered in plastic wrap) into a square or round
  10. 13 Fridge overnight or freeze if you don't plan to use the dough within 24 - 48 hours
  11. 14 If using frozen dough, leave the dough on the counter for about an hour or until it reaches room temp before rolling it. This will make it easier to roll and prevent cracking at the edges of the rolled out dough. Ideally, let the dough come to room temp, roll it out, then place it back in the fridge to cool before baking so that the butter will be cold and the crust will be extra flaky.