🌚 Buckwheat Galette Dough 🐐
SOURCE: Bon Appetit
STORAGE: 3 days refrigerated
all-purpose flour
120 g
  1. 1 Whisk in large bowl.
buckwheat flour
40 g
3 tbsp
1 tsp
cup unsalted butter
113 g
  1. 2 Cut into cubes.
  2. 3 Work into dry ingredients by hand (until some pea-sized lumps remain).
water (ice cold)
1 4 cup
  1. 4 Drizzle.
  2. 5 Mix by hand until a shaggy dough forms.
  3. 6 Knead on a work surface until few dry spots remain.
  4. 7 Pat into 3 4 " thick square.
  5. 8 Divide into four pieces.
  6. 9 Stack pieces, and roll back into a 3 4 " thick puck.
  7. 10 Wrap tightly in plastic.
  8. 11 Refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
  1. 12 Preheat oven to 400°F.
  2. 13 Fill with desired filling.
egg (beaten)
  1. 14 Brush dough with egg.
  2. 15 Sprinkle with sugar.
  3. 16 Bake until crust is deeply browned (~40-50 minutes).
USED IN: Savory Galette with Goat Cheese, Onion, & Asparagus